Balancing Forces


The balancing forces are the interconnection between downward and upward force.

Think of a bouncing ball…

It can only go up as a result of going down - the more it goes down, the more it goes up.

We call the downward force weight

We call the upward force force.

Force occurs as a result of weight.

The greater the downward weight, the more the reciprocal force. 

We call the result of the interplay between weight and force the spring.

The spring is the result, the non-action, the blessing, the Mitzvah.

The spring acts to rebalance the musculoskeletal system.

We access the spring by not doing, allowing, letting go.

notebooks of Amelia Itcush

notebooks of Amelia Itcush

Ashley Johnson & Kana Nemoto: "Amelia would often refer to the ballerina rhinoceros in Fantasia. ‘When they jump’, she said, ‘their body weight follows after the movement itself. When they go down, their flesh goes up - when their bones go up, the flesh is on its way down’."

Two particular exercises, Animal Walk and Elephant Walk, help us grasp how the body connects to the floor and how force travels through the body by pushing into the floor. Pushing down off the floor with the foot or knees allows force to travel up through the leg, triggering the pelvis, and travelling on up into the spine. It creates a rippling motion in the spine all the way to the head.

notebooks of Amelia Itcush

notebooks of Amelia Itcush